Exercise your sleep
Many factors influence our ability to get a good nights sleep including exercise and the use of screens. It can be difficult to factor all of this in when going about your daily life.
Create a design concept that can help people understand the connection between exercise and sleep as well as promote an active lifestyle. This was a designsprint, so it had to be done in 7 days including research, interviews and usability testing.
The app: Exercise your sleep – A prototype for an app that reminds you when you should wake up, exercise, stop using your phone etc. to achieve optimal sleep.
In this process we conducted interviews with several people about their relationsship with sleep. Through this we pinpointed some key issues and created first a userflow and then a paper prototype to test with users.
Finally we created a slightly higher fidelity digital prototype and conducted usability tests with this as well.
As it was a design sprint everything was slightly rushed, but it worked as a quick way to run through and learn from a full iterative and user driven design proces.
Design Process
Research of the field
We started the process by doing desk-research to understand the connection between exercise and good sleep as well as other factors that influence the quality of your sleep.
Interviews with (potential) users
To dive deeper into the field we conducted semi-structured individual interviews with 4 individuals. As this was a designsprint and time was limited, these were mainly chosen based on access.
Creation of scenario
Based on your empirical findings we created a scenario for our 'ideal-user' and which functions were needed. Based on this we created a first mock-up which we presented to our users.
Based on feedback from our users we iterated on our prototype.
Once reasonably satisfied we created a higher fidelity digital prototype to present as our final product for the design sprint.